Every word
Every series
Every title
You need to AYCE law school
Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTimes,
Emanuel Law in a Flash, and Casenote Legal Briefs
EmanuelAYCE includes the #1 study aids for law students
Developed by legendary study aid author Steven L. Emanuel
Match your learning style and needs
Get online access to digital versions of Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTimes, Emanuel Law in a Flash, and Casenote Legal Briefs
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Maximize your studying experience accessing EmanuelAYCE on your laptop, tablet, or phone
Test yourself with quizzes
More than 2,000
multiple-choice and
interactive questions
Best learning materials for law students from
Emanuel Law Outlines
Emanuel CrunchTimes
Emanuel Law in a Flash
Casenote Legal Briefs
Emanuel Multiple–Choice Quizzes
Emanuel Short–Answer Quizzes
Study Aids included with EmanuelAYCE
Civil Procedure
Constitutional Law
Corporations and Other Business Entities
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Torts (general edition for all casebooks)
Torts (keyed to the Prosser, Wade & Schwartz casebook)
Civil Procedure
Constitutional Law
Corporations and Other Business Entities
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Civil Procedure I
Civil Procedure II
Constitutional Law
Corporations and Other Business Entities (double card set)
Criminal Law
Criminal Procedure
Federal Income Tax
Future Interests
Professional Responsibility
Real Property
Wills & Trusts
Casenote Legal Briefs for the following courses and casebooks:
Civil Procedure
Field, Kaplan, and Clermont, 10th Ed.
Friedenthal, Miller, Sexton, and Hershkoff, 12th Ed.
Subrin, Minow, Brodin, Main, and Lahav, 6th Ed.
Yeazell and Schwartz, 10th Ed.
Constitutional Law
Brest, Levinson, Balkin, Amar, and Siegel, 7th Ed.
Chemerinsky, 6th Ed.
Feldman and Sullivan, 20th Ed.
Stone, Seidman, Sunstein, Tushnet, and Karlan, 8th Ed.
Ayres and Klass, 9th Ed.
Barnett and Oman, 6th Ed.
Farnsworth, Sanger, Cohen, Brooks, and Garvin, 9th Ed.
Knapp, Crystal, and Prince, 9th Ed.
Criminal Law
Bonnie, Coughlin, Jeffries, and Low, 3rd Ed.
Boyce, Dripps, and Perkins, 11th Ed.
Dressler and Garvey, 8th Ed.
Kadish, Schulhofer, and Barkow, 10th Ed.
Kaplan, Weisberg, and Binder, 8th Ed.
Criminal Procedure
Allen, Hoffmann, Livingston, Leipold, and Meares, 5th Ed.
Dressler, Thomas, and Medwed, 7th Ed.
Kamisar, LaFave, Israel, King, Kerr, and Primus, 15th Ed.
Saltzburg and Capra, 11th Ed.
Broun, Mosteller, and Giannelli, 7th Ed.
Fisher, 3rd Ed.
Mueller, Kirkpatrick, and Richter, 9th Ed.
Professional Responsibility
Gillers, 11th Ed.
Hazard, Koniak, Cramton, Cohen, and Wendel, 5th Ed.
Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill, and Strahilevitz, 9th Ed.
Dukeminier, Krier, Alexander, Schill, and Strahilevitz, Concise Ed., 3rd Ed.
Rabin, Kwall, Kwall, and Arnold, 6th Ed.
Singer, Berger, Davidson, and Peñalver, 7th Ed.
Epstein and Sharkey, 12th Ed.
Franklin, Rabin, Green, and Geistfeld, 10th Ed.
Goldberg, Sebok, and Zipursky, 4th Ed.
Prosser, Wade, Schwartz, Kelly, and Partlett, 14th Ed.
Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Sitkoff and Dukeminier, 10th Ed.
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$120 billed upfront for 12 months’ access
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Why choose Emanuel AYCE?
From $10/mo
See below
See below
Emanuel CrunchTimes
Emanuel Law in a Flash*
$49 - $100 each
not available
Casenote Legal Briefs
Digital. All devices.
Printed books
$50 each
Kindle app
Emanuel Law Outlines
$49 - $61 each
$44 - $58 each
Full-text smart search
Interactive Quizzes
$58 - $60 each
$42 - $49 each
$45 - $60 each
Progress tracking
*interactive flash cards only with EmanuelAYCE
#1 Access content from your laptop, tablet or phone. Configure font size. Search anything.
#2 Learn what is important with detailed outlines, briefs, and interactive flashcards.
#3 Check yourself by the end of a chapter with interactive quizzes.
#4 Track your progress. Recap on a course with final multi-choice or short-answer quiz.
Reviews from Amazon about Emanuel Series
Media about Emanuel Law Series
”No. 1 Emanuel Law Outlines”
“The Emanuel outline series now covers more than 20 subjects, including civil procedure, property, contracts and torts. Students say the outlines are concise and easy to follow.”
— “Best Study Aids” by The National Jurist
“Emanuel is the leader.”
“… for the required courses like constitutional law, civil procedure, contracts and torts, Emanuel is the leader.”
— “It's Holmes, Cardozo And Who? Emanuel” by Bruce Shenitz, The New York Times
”No. 1 study aid in legal education”
“AYCE is an online subscription-based service that gives students unlimited access to the full text of all of the Emanuel Law Outlines, CrunchTimes, and Law in a Flash flashcards he writes or edits.”
— “Emanuel study aids move to subscription model” by The National Jurist
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About the author and founder
“As a student at Harvard Law School, Steve Emanuel wrote concise outlines for his courses and sold them in the law school dining hall to his fellow students. His outlines were such an immediate hit that soon after graduation. Steve quit the practice of law and started his own company to publish the Emanuel® Law Outlines series and other study-aid series he helped write.
For more than 30 years, Steve's full-time job has been to update the Emanuel® Law Outlines—and other study aids he's written or published, like the Law in a Flash series to reflect changes in the law, in casebooks, and on topics tested in bar exams. Over 2 million copies of study aids written by Steve have been sold. Steve is a member of the New York, Connecticut, Maryland and Virginia bars, and has passed the California bar.”
Aspen Publishing
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